Impact Nations Podcast

Rescuing Two Generations: The Power of Prayer and Practical Support

Impact Nations

🎙️ Welcome to the Impact Nations Podcast! 🎙️
In this special December series, we’re sharing extraordinary stories of lives transformed by your generosity. This week, Tim sits down with Jordan to discuss a powerful testimony of rescue and hope: a 12-year-old girl in Uganda, pregnant and in desperate need, was discovered during a water filter distribution. What follows is a heart-stirring story of God’s faithfulness, life-saving interventions, and the enduring impact of your support.

#ImpactNations #RescueTwoGenerations #FaithInAction #WaterFilters #LifeTransformed #TeenPregnancySupport #BigGospel #ChristmasGiving #HopeForTheHurting #KingdomWork #TransformationStories #RescueAndRestore #GenerosityInAction